Since 1945
Neo Products Corporation has specialized in the manufacturing of unicouplings and cable assemblies for the home laundry industry. Products have also been Provided for the range, refrigeration, and dishwasher industries.

Hose Couplings
Our primary focus is on large volume metal stampings and assemblies. Our high quality steel and brass hose couplings are used in a variety of applications, including...
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Oven Latches
In April 1998, we launched our newest product line--safety latches for self-cleaning ovens. Because self-cleaning oven cycles can reach temperatures in excess of 800°, appliance...
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Hose Ferrules & Icemaker Adapters
Neo Products stocks a line of standard hose ferrules, available in quantities as low as a few thousand pieces.
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Cable Assemblies
Mechanical cable assemblies made from both PVC and nylon coated wire cable.